There isn't a ton from that talk I'd consider "wrong" at this point, but
some of it is a little stale.  I always start off looking at system
metrics.  For a very thorough discussion on the matter check out Brendan
Gregg's USE [1] method.  I did a blog post on my own about the talk [2]
that has screenshots and might be helpful.  Generally speaking know your OS
and the tools to examine each component.  Learn how to interpret the
numbers you see, there's more information than a human can process in a
lifetime but understanding some fundamentals of throughput vs latency &
error rates and how to find out each of those metrics for cpu / memory /
network / disk is a good start.

More recently I did a talk at Data Day Texas, I posted the slides on
Slideshare [3].  The focus there was more on perf tuning and less on
performance troubleshooting, but I guess it's a matter of perspective which
point your at.  The tools have changed a little (Prometheus instead of
Graphite), and there's some new perf tuning tips like examining your read
ahead and compression settings, generating flame graphs and using tools
like YourKit and Java Flight Recorder, and the easiest win of all time,
disabling dynamic snitch if your hardware is fast and you want sub ms
p99s.  Turn up counter cache if you use counters (it still gets hit on the
write path), and row cache is way more effective than people give it credit
for under the right workloads.

I've got a blog post in the works on JVM tuning, but for now I reference
CASSANDRA-8150 [4] and Blake Eggleston's blog post [5] from back in our
days at a small startup.

Lastly, I'm doing a performance tuning series on our blog at The Last
Pickle, with the first being on Flame Graphs [6].  I've got about 6 posts
in the pipeline, just need to find time to get to them.

Hope this helps,


On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 8:56 AM Michael Shuler <>

> On 02/27/2018 10:20 AM, Nicolas Guyomar wrote:
> > Is Jon blog
> > post
> > was relocated somewhere ?
> --
> Kind regards,
> Michael
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