I’ve used OpsCenter, New Relic, Splunk, and ELK and all of them have ways to 
visualize what’s going on. Eventually I just forked a cfstats2csv python 
program and started making formatted excel files which made it easy to spot 
anomalies and filter keyspaces / tables across nodes. I have some basic anomaly 
detection based on std. deviation but it’s only a static snapshot based 
detection. I think you want something that may be looking at the time series of 
the whole dataset.

Regardless cfstats , tpstats are good places to see
What’s going on and then determine what you need to monitor via other tools.

Rahul Singh

Anant Corporation

On Mar 12, 2018, 10:02 PM -0400, Fernando Ipar <ipar.ferna...@gmail.com>, wrote:
> Hello Salvatore,
> > On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 2:12 PM, D. Salvatore <dd.salvat...@gmail.com> 
> > wrote:
> > > Hi Rahul,
> > > I was mainly thinking about performance anomaly detection but I am also 
> > > interested in other types such as fault detection, data or queries 
> > > anomalies.
> >
> > I know VividCortex (http://vividcortex.com) supports Cassandra (2.1 or 
> > greater) and I also know it does automatic (they call it adaptive) fault 
> > detection for MySQL. I took a quick look at their website and could not 
> > find an explicit list of features they support for Cassandra but it's 
> > possible that fault detection is one of them too, so if SaaS is an option 
> > I'd recommend you take a look at them.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Fernando Ipar
> > http://fernandoipar.com

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