Kurt, thank you very much for your answer! Your remark on GC totally
changed my thoughts on cassandra resources usage.

So.. more questions to the respective audience underway.

What is generally considered as

1) "too large" page size,
2)"large" page size
3) "normal conditions" page size?

How exactly fetch size affects CPU? Can too large page size provoke severe
CPU usage for constant GC, thus affecting Cassandra performance on read
requests (because CPU basically doesn't work on other tasks, while it's
constantly GCing)?

Thank you all very much!

пн, 18 июн. 2018 г., 14:28 kurt greaves <k...@instaclustr.com>:

> 1) Am I correct to assume that the larger page size some user session has
>> set - the larger portion of cluster/coordinator node resources will be
>> hogged by the corresponding session?
>> 2) Do I understand correctly that page size (imagine we have no timeout
>> settings) is limited by RAM and iops which I want to hand down to a single
>> user session?
> Yes for both of the above. More rows will be pulled into memory
> simultaneously with a larger page size, thus using more memory and IO.
> 3) Am I correct to assume that the page size/read request timeout
>> allowance I set is direct representation of chance to lock some node to
>> single user's requests?
> Concurrent reads can occur on a node, so it shouldn't "lock" the node to a
> single users request. However you can overload the node, which may be
> effectively the same thing. Don't set page sizes too high, otherwise the
> coordinator of the query will end up doing a lot of GC.

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