The clustering column is ordered per partition key.

So if for example I create the following table:
create table desc_test (
       id text,
       name text,
       PRIMARY KEY (id,name)

I insert a few rows:

insert into desc_test (id , name ) VALUES ( 'abc', 'abc');
insert into desc_test (id , name ) VALUES ( 'abc', 'bcd');
insert into desc_test (id , name ) VALUES ( 'abc', 'aaa');
insert into desc_test (id , name ) VALUES ( 'fgh', 'aaa');
insert into desc_test (id , name ) VALUES ( 'fgh', 'bcd');
insert into desc_test (id , name ) VALUES ( 'fgh', 'abc');

And then read:
select * from desc_test;

 id  | name
  fgh |  bcd
  fgh |  abc
  fgh |  aaa
 abc |  bcd
 abc |  abc
 abc |  aaa

(6 rows)

You can see that the data is properly ordered in descending mode, BUT
*for each partition key. *
So in order to achieve what you want, you will have to add the relevant
partition key for each select query.

Hope this helps

On Sun, Jul 15, 2018 at 2:16 PM, Soheil Pourbafrani <>

> I created table using the command:
> CREATE TABLE correlated_data (
>     processing_timestamp bigint,
>     generating_timestamp bigint,
>     data text,
>     PRIMARY KEY (processing_timestamp, generating_timestamp)
> ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (generating_timestamp DESC);
> When I get data using the command :
> SELECT * FROM correlated_data LIMIT 1 ;
> I expect it return the row with the biggest field "generating_timestamp",
> but I got the same row every time I run the query, while row with bigger "
> generating_timestamp" exists. What's the problem?

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