For write threads, check "nodetool tpstats"

Are you loading the data serially?  That is, one query at a time?  If so
(and if you have no clear resource bottlenecks) you're probably going to
want to add some concurrency into the process.  Break the data up into
smaller chunks and have several threads inserting at once.

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 1:35 PM, Abdul Patel <> wrote:

> User in dev env with 4 node cluster , 50k records with inserts of 70k
> characters (json in text)
> This will happen daily in some intervals not yet defined on a single table.
> Its within 1 data center
> On Wednesday, August 15, 2018, Durity, Sean R <>
> wrote:
>> Might also help to know:
>> Size of cluster
>> How much data is being loaded (# of inserts/actual data size)
>> Single table or multiple tables?
>> Is this a one-time or occasional load or more frequently?
>> Is the data located in the same physical data center as the cluster? (any
>> network latency?)
>> On the client side, prepared statements and ExecuteAsync can really speed
>> things up.
>> Sean Durity
>> *From:* Elliott Sims <>
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 15, 2018 1:13 PM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: Improve data load performance
>> Step one is always to measure your bottlenecks.  Are you spending a lot
>> of time compacting?  Garbage collecting?  Are you saturating CPU?  Or just
>> a few cores?  Or I/O?  Are repairs using all your I/O?  Are you just
>> running out of write threads?
>> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 5:48 AM, Abdul Patel <> wrote:
>> Application team is trying to load data with leveled compaction and its
>> taking 1hr to load , what are  best options to load data faster ?
>> On Tuesday, August 14, 2018, @Nandan@ <>
>> wrote:
>> Bro, Please explain your question as much as possible.
>> This is not a single line Q&A session where we will able to understand
>> your in-depth queries in a single line.
>> For better and suitable reply, Please ask a question and elaborate what
>> steps you took for your question and what issue are you getting and all..
>> I hope I am making it clear. Don't take it personally.
>> Thanks
>> On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 8:25 AM Abdul Patel <> wrote:
>> How can we improve data load performance?
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