Hi Raul,

I cannot afford delete and then load as this will create downtime for the
record, that's why I'm upserting with TTL today()+7days as I mentioted in
my original question. And at the moment I don't have an issue either with
loading nor with access times. My question is should I repair such table or
not and if yes before load or after (or it doesn't matter) ?


On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 8:52 AM Rahul Singh <rahul.xavier.si...@gmail.com>

> If you wanted to be certain that all replicas were acknowledging receipt
> of the data, then you could use ALL or EACH_QUORUM ( if you have multiple
> DCs) but you must really want high consistency if you do that.
> You should avoid consciously creating tombstones if possible — it ends up
> making reads slower because they need to be accounted for until they are
> compacted / garbage collected out.
> Tombstones are created when data is either deleted, or nulled. When
> marking data with a TTL , the actual delete is not done until after the TTL
> has expired.
> When you say you are overwriting, are you deleting and then loading?
> That’s the only way you should see tombstones — or maybe you are setting
> nulls?
> Rahul
> On Aug 18, 2018, 11:16 PM -0700, Maxim Parkachov <lazy.gop...@gmail.com>,
> wrote:
> Hi Rahul,
> I'm already using LOCAL_QUORUM in batch process and it runs every day. As
> far as I understand, because I'm overwriting whole table with new TTL,
> process creates tons of thumbstones and I'm more concerned with them.
> Regards,
> Maxim.
> On Sun, Aug 19, 2018 at 3:02 AM Rahul Singh <rahul.xavier.si...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Are you loading using a batch process? What’s the frequency of the data
>> Ingest and does it have to very fast. If not too frequent and can be a
>> little slower, you may consider a higher consistency to ensure data is on
>> replicas.
>> Rahul
>> On Aug 18, 2018, 2:29 AM -0700, Maxim Parkachov <lazy.gop...@gmail.com>,
>> wrote:
>> Hi community,
>> I'm currently puzzled with following challenge. I have a CF with 7 days
>> TTL on all rows. Daily there is a process which loads actual data with +7
>> days TTL. Thus records which are not present in last 7 days of load
>> expired. Amount of these expired records are very small < 1%. I have daily
>> repair process, which take considerable amount of time and resources, and
>> snapshot after that. Obviously I'm concerned only with the last loaded
>> data. Basically, my question: should I run repair before load, after load
>> or maybe I don't need to repair such table at all ?
>> Regards,
>> Maxim.

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