CREATE TABLE user_data (
    "userid" text,
    "secondaryid" text,
    "tDate" timestamp,
    "tid3" text,
    "sid4" text,
    "pid5" text,
    associate_degree text
  PRIMARY KEY (("userid", "secondaryid"),"tDate", "tid3", "sid4", "pid5") 
  WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY ("tDate" ASC, "tid3" ASC, "sid4" ASC, "pid5" ASC)

   On Wednesday, 22 August 2018, 15:08:03 GMT-7, 
<> wrote:  
 What is the schema of the table? Could your include the output of DESCRIBE?

    On Wednesday, August 22, 2018, 2:22:31 PM PDT, Gosar M 
<> wrote:  
Have a table with following partition and clustering keys
partition key - ("userid", "secondaryid"), 
clustering key - "tDate", "tid3", "sid4", "pid5"
Data is inserted based on above partition and clustering key. For 1 record 
seeing 2 rows returned when queried by both partition and clustering key.

  userid      | secondaryid      | tdate               | tid3      | sid4 | 
pid5        | associate_degree
  090sdfdsf898 | ab984564 | 2018-08-04 07:59:59+0000 | 0a5995672e3 | l34 | 
l34_listing |   123145979615694 
  090sdfdsf898 | ab984564 | 2018-08-04 07:59:59+0000 | 0a5995672e3 | l34 | 
l34_listing |   123145979615694989

We did not had any node which was down longer than gc_grace_period. 

Thank you. 

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