We have the similar use case:  Streamific, the Ingestion Service for Hadoop
Big Data at Uber Engineering <https://eng.uber.com/streamific/>. We had
this data ingestion pipeline built on MySQL/schemaless
<https://eng.uber.com/schemaless-part-one/> before using Cassandra. For
Cassandra, we used to do double write to Cassandra/Kafka and moving to CDC
(as dual write has its own issues). Here is one of the use cases we
opensourced: Introducing AthenaX, Uber Engineering’s Open Source Streaming
Analytics Platform <https://eng.uber.com/athenax/>. For most of our use
cases, we cannot put kafka before Cassandra to get consistency requirement.
We're having the same challenges
<https://github.com/ngcc/ngcc2017/blob/master/CassandraDataIngestion.pdf> for
CDC, and here is what we currently do for the dedup and full update (not
perfect, we're still working on improving it):

Deduplication: currently we de-dup the data in the kafka consumer instead
of the producer which means there're 3 (RF number) copies of data in Kafka.
We're working on dedup with the cache as mentioned before (also in the PPT
but we also want to make sure the downstream consumer is able to handle
duplicated data, as the cache won't cover 100% de-dup the data (also in our
case, cache layer has lower SLA).

Full row update: MySQL provides the full row in binlog. Cassandra commitlog
only has the updated fields, but the downstream consumer has all the
historical data and it could be merged there: Hudi: Uber Engineering’s
Incremental Processing Framework on Hadoop <https://eng.uber.com/hoodie/>,
it's also opensourced here <https://uber.github.io/hudi/index.html>.

Just FYI. ElasticSearch is also another consumer of the kafka topic: Databook:
Turning Big Data into Knowledge with Metadata at Uber
<https://eng.uber.com/databook/>. And we opensourced the data auditing
system for the pipeline: Introducing Chaperone: How Uber Engineering Audits
Kafka End-to-End <https://eng.uber.com/chaperone/>
We're also exploring Cache invalidation with CDC, currently, the update lag
(10 seconds) is the blocker issue for that.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 2:18 AM DuyHai Doan <doanduy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The biggest problem of having CDC working correctly in C* is the
> deduplication issue.
> Having a process to read incoming mutation from commitlog is not that
> hard, having to dedup them through N replicas is much harder
> The idea is : why don't we generate the CDC event directly at the
> coordinator side ? Indeed, the coordinator is the single source of true for
> each mutation request. As soon as the coordinator receives 1
> acknowledgement from any replica, the mutation can be considered "durable"
> and safely sent downstream to the CDC processor. This approach would
> requires to change the write path on the coordinator side and may have
> impact on performance (if writing to CDC downstream is blocking or too slow)
> My 2 cents
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 5:56 AM, Joy Gao <j...@wepay.com.invalid> wrote:
>> Re Rahul:  "Although DSE advanced replication does one way, those are use
>> cases with limited value to me because ultimately it’s still a master slave
>> design."
>> Completely agree. I'm not familiar with Calvin protocol, but that sounds
>> interesting (reading time...).
>> On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 8:38 PM Joy Gao <j...@wepay.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you all for the feedback so far.
>>> The immediate use case for us is setting up a real-time streaming data
>>> pipeline from C* to our Data Warehouse (BigQuery), where other teams can
>>> access the data for reporting/analytics/ad-hoc query. We already do
>>> this with MySQL
>>> <https://wecode.wepay.com/posts/streaming-databases-in-realtime-with-mysql-debezium-kafka>,
>>> where we stream the MySQL Binlog via Debezium <https://debezium.io>'s
>>> MySQL Connector to Kafka, and then use a BigQuery Sink Connector to stream
>>> data to BigQuery.
>>> Re Jon's comment about why not write to Kafka first? In some cases that
>>> may be ideal; but one potential concern we have with writing to Kafka first
>>> is not having "read-after-write" consistency. The data could be written to
>>> Kafka, but not yet consumed by C*. If the web service issues a (quorum)
>>> read immediately after the (quorum) write, the data that is being returned
>>> could still be outdated if the consumer did not catch up. Having web
>>> service interacts with C* directly solves this problem for us (we could add
>>> a cache before writing to Kafka, but that adds additional operational
>>> complexity to the architecture; alternatively, we could write to Kafka and
>>> C* transactionally, but distributed transaction is slow).
>>> Having the ability to stream its data to other systems could make C*
>>> more flexible and more easily integrated into a larger data ecosystem. As
>>> Dinesh has mentioned, implementing this in the database layer means there
>>> is a standard approach to getting a change notification stream (unlike
>>> trigger which is ad-hoc and customized). Aside from replication, the change
>>> events could be used for updating Elasticsearch, generating derived views
>>> (i.e. for reporting), sending to an audit services, sending to a
>>> notification service, and in our case, streaming to our data warehouse for
>>> analytics. (one article that goes over database streaming is Martin
>>> Kleppman's Turning the Database Inside Out with Apache Samza
>>> <https://www.confluent.io/blog/turning-the-database-inside-out-with-apache-samza/>,
>>> which seems relevant here). For reference, this turning database into a
>>> stream of change events is pretty common in SQL databases (i.e. mysql
>>> binlog, postgres WAL) and NoSQL databases that have primary-replica setup
>>> (i.e. Mongodb Oplog). Recently CockroachDB introduced a CDC feature as well
>>> (and they have master-less replication too).
>>> Hope that answers the question. That said, dedupe/ordering/getting full
>>> row of data via C* CDC is a hard problem, but may be worth solving for
>>> reasons mentioned above. Our proposal is an user approach to solve these
>>> problems. Maybe the more sensible thing to do is to build it as part of C*
>>> itself, but that's a much bigger discussion. If anyone is building a
>>> streaming pipeline for C*, we'd be interested in hearing their approaches
>>> as well.
>>> On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 7:01 AM Rahul Singh <
>>> rahul.xavier.si...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> You know what they say: Go big or go home.
>>>> Right now candidates are Cassandra itself but embedded or on the side
>>>> not on the actual data clusters, zookeeper (yuck) , Kafka (which needs
>>>> zookeeper, yuck) , S3 (outside service dependency, so no go. )
>>>> Jeff, Those are great patterns. ESP. Second one. Have used it several
>>>> times. Cassandra is a great place to store data in transport.
>>>> Rahul
>>>> On Sep 10, 2018, 5:21 PM -0400, DuyHai Doan <doanduy...@gmail.com>,
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Also using Calvin means having to implement a distributed monotonic
>>>> sequence as a primitive, not trivial at all ...
>>>> On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 3:08 PM, Rahul Singh <
>>>> rahul.xavier.si...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> In response to mimicking Advanced replication in DSE. I understand the
>>>>> goal. Although DSE advanced replication does one way, those are use cases
>>>>> with limited value to me because ultimately it’s still a master slave
>>>>> design.
>>>>> I’m working on a prototype for this for two way replication between
>>>>> clusters or databases regardless of dB tech - and every variation I can 
>>>>> get
>>>>> to comes down to some implementation of the Calvin protocol which 
>>>>> basically
>>>>> verifies the change in either cluster , sequences it according to impact 
>>>>> to
>>>>> underlying data, and then schedules the mutation in a predictable manner 
>>>>> on
>>>>> both clusters / DBS.
>>>>> All that means is that I need to sequence the change before it happens
>>>>> so I can predictably ensure it’s Scheduled for write / Mutation. So I’m
>>>>> Back to square one: having a definitive queue / ledger separate from
>>>>> the individual commit log of the cluster.
>>>>> Rahul Singh
>>>>> Chief Executive Officer
>>>>> m 202.905.2818
>>>>> Anant Corporation
>>>>> 1010 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 250
>>>>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=1010+Wisconsin+Ave+NW,+Suite+250+%0D%0AWashington,+D.C.+20007&entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>>> Washington, D.C. 20007
>>>>> We build and manage digital business technology platforms.
>>>>> On Sep 10, 2018, 3:58 AM -0400, Dinesh Joshi 
>>>>> <dinesh.jo...@yahoo.com.invalid>,
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Sep 9, 2018, at 6:08 AM, Jonathan Haddad <j...@jonhaddad.com> wrote:
>>>>> There may be some use cases for it.. but I'm not sure what they are.
>>>>> It might help if you shared the use cases where the extra complexity is
>>>>> required?  When does writing to Cassandra which then dedupes and writes to
>>>>> Kafka a preferred design then using Kafka and simply writing to Cassandra?
>>>>> From the reading of the proposal, it seems bring functionality similar
>>>>> to MySQL's binlog to Kafka connector. This is useful for many applications
>>>>> that want to be notified when certain (or any) rows change in the database
>>>>> primarily for a event driven application architecture.
>>>>> Implementing this in the database layer means there is a standard
>>>>> approach to getting a change notification stream. Downstream subscribers
>>>>> can then decide which notifications to act on.
>>>>> LinkedIn's databus is similar in functionality -
>>>>> https://github.com/linkedin/databus However it is for heterogenous
>>>>> datastores.
>>>>> On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 1:53 PM Joy Gao <j...@wepay.com.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>> We have a* WIP design doc
>>>>>> <https://wepayinc.box.com/s/fmdtw0idajyfa23hosf7x4ustdhb0ura>* that
>>>>>> goes over this idea in details.
>>>>>> We haven't sort out all the edge cases yet, but would love to get
>>>>>> some feedback from the community on the general feasibility of this
>>>>>> approach. Any ideas/concerns/questions would be helpful to us. Thanks!
>>>>> Interesting idea. I did go over the proposal briefly. I concur with
>>>>> Jon about adding more use-cases to clarify this feature's potential
>>>>> use-cases.
>>>>> Dinesh

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