hello all,

I have 1 DC of 3 nodes in which is running Cassandra 3.11.3 with
consistency level ONE and Java 1.8.0_191.

Every day, there are many nodejs programs that send data to the cassandra's
cluster via NodeJs cassandra-driver.
Every day I got like 600k requests. Each request makes the server to:
1_ READ some data in Cassandra (by an id, usually I get 3 records),
2_ DELETE one of those records
3_ WRITE the data into Cassandra.

So every day I make many deletes.

Every day I find errors like:
"All host(s) tried for query failed. First host tried, Host
considered as DOWN. See innerErrors...."
"Server timeout during write query at consistency LOCAL_ONE (0 peer(s)
acknowledged the write over 1 required)...."
"Server timeout during write query at consistency SERIAL (0 peer(s)
acknowledged the write over 1 required)...."
"Server timeout during read query at consistency LOCAL_ONE (0 peer(s)
acknowledged the read over 1 required)...."

nodetool tablehistograms tells me this:

Percentile  SSTables     Write Latency      Read Latency    Partition Size
      Cell Count
                              (micros)          (micros)           (bytes)
50%             8.00            379.02           1955.67            379022
75%            10.00            785.94         155469.30            654949
95%            12.00          17436.92         268650.95           1629722
98%            12.00          25109.16         322381.14           2346799
99%            12.00          30130.99         386857.37           3379391
Min             0.00              6.87             88.15               104
Max            12.00          43388.63         386857.37          20924300

in the 99% I noted that write and read latency is pretty high, but I don't
know how to improve that.
I can provide more statistics if needed.

Is there any improvement I can make to the Cassandra's configuration in
order to not to lose any data?



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