
According to these Facts:
1. If a node is down for longer than max_hint_window_in_ms (3 hours by
default), the coordinator stops writing new hints.
2. The main purpose of gc_grace property is to prevent Zombie data and also
it determines for how long the coordinator should keep hinted files

When we use Cassandra for Time series data which:
A) Every row of data has TTL and there would be no explicit delete so not
so much worried about zombies
B) At every minute there should be hundredrs of write requets to each node,
so if one of the node was down for longer than max_hint_window_in_ms, we
should run manual repair on that node, so anyway stored hints on the
coordinator won't be necessary.

So Finally the question, is this a good idea to set gc_grace equal to
max_hint_window_in_ms (/1000 to convert to seconds),
for example set them both to 3 hours (why should keep the tombstones for 10
days when they won't be needed at all)?

Best Regards
Federica Albertini

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