Hi all,

In our small company we have 10 nodes of (2 x 3 TB HD) 6 TB each, 128 GB ram 
and 64 cores and we are thinking to use them as Cassandra nodes. From what I am 
reading around, the community recommends that every node should not keep more 
than 1 TB data so in this case I am wondering if it is possible to install 2 
instances per node using docker so each docker instance can write to its own 
physical disk and utilise more efficiently the rest hardware (CPU & RAM).

I understand with this setup there is the danger of creating a single point of 
failure for 2 Cassandra nodes but except that do you think that is a possible 
setup to start with the cluster?

Except the docker solution do you recommend any other way to split the physical 
node to 2 instances? (VMWare? or even maybe 2 separate installations of 
Cassandra? )

Eventually we are aiming in a cluster consisted of 2 DCs with 10 nodes each (5 
baremetal nodes with 2 Cassandra instances)

Probably later when we will start introducing more nodes to the cluster we can 
decommissioning the "double-instaned" ones and aim for a more homogeneous 

Thank you,


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