Just stop the server/kill C* process  as node never fully joined the cluster 
yet – that should be enough. You can safely remove the data i.e. streamed-in on 
new node so you can use the node for other new cluster.

From: Akshay Bhardwaj [mailto:akshay.bhardwaj1...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 6:35 AM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Decommissioning a new node when the state is JOINING

Hi Experts,

I have a cassandra cluster running with 5 nodes. For some reason, I was 
creating a new cassandra cluster, but one of the nodes intended for new cluster 
had the same cassandra.yml file as the existing cluster. This resulted in the 
new node joining the existing cluster, making total no. of nodes as 6.

As of now in "nodetool status" command, I see that the state of the new node is 
JOINING, and also rebalancing data with other nodes.
What is the best way to decommission the node?

  1.  Can I execute "nodetool decommission" immediately for the new node?
  2.  Should I wait for the new node to finish sync, and decommission only 
after that?
  3.  Any other quick approach without data loss for existing cluster?

Thanks in advance!

Akshay Bhardwaj

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