In a 3 node cassandra 2.1.16 cluster where, one node has old mutation and two nodes have evict-able (crossed gc grace period) tombstone produced by TTL. A read range query with local quorum return the old mutation as result. However expected result should be empty. Next time running the same query results no data as expected. Why this strange behaviour?
*Steps to Reproduce :* Create a cassandra-2.1.16 3 node cluster. Disable hinted handoff for each node. #ccm node1 nodetool ring Datacenter: datacenter1 ========== Address Rack Status State Load Owns Token 3074457345618258602 rack1 Up Normal 175.12 KB 100.00% -9223372036854775808 rack1 Up Normal 177.87 KB 100.00% -3074457345618258603 rack1 Up Normal 175.13 KB 100.00% 3074457345618258602 #Connect to cqlsh and set CONISISTENCY LOCAL_QUORUM; cqlsh> CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS test WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'datacenter1' : 3 }; cqlsh> CREATE TABLE test.table1 (key text, col text, val text,PRIMARY KEY ((key), col)); cqlsh> ALTER TABLE test.table1 with GC_GRACE_SECONDS = 120; cqlsh> INSERT INTO test.table1 (key, col, val) VALUES ('key2', 'abc','xyz'); #ccm flush #ccm node3 stop cqlsh> INSERT INTO test.table1 (key, col, val) VALUES ('key2', 'abc','xyz') USING TTL 60; #ccm flush #wait for 3 min so that the tombstone crosses its gc grace period. #ccm node3 start cqlsh> select * from test.table1 where token (key) > 3074457345618258602 and token (key) < -9223372036854775808 ; key | col | val ------+-----+----- key2 | abc | xyz (1 rows) #ccm flush -> Here read repair triggers and the old mutation moves to the one of the node where tombstone is present (not both the node) cqlsh> select * from test.vouchers where token (key) > 3074457345618258602 and token (key) < -9223372036854775808 ; key | col | val -----+-----+----- (0 rows) -- regards, Laxmikant Upadhyay