Whether 600m rows per hour is good or bad depends on the hardware you are
using (do you have 1 node or 1000? 2 cores each or 16?) and the data you
are writing (is it 10 bytes per row or 100kb?).

In general, I think you will need to supply a lot more context about your
use case and set up to get any useful response from the community.



*Ben Slater**Chief Product Officer*


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On Wed, 21 Aug 2019 at 21:32, <yanga.zuke...@condorgreen.com> wrote:

> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
> Thanks for feedback.
> Just to elaborate more, I am currently writing 600m rows per hour and
> need to understand if this is about on target or if there are better ways
> to write or perhaps structure the keyspaces and table structures.
> And I can use the Cassandra Stress tool to get potential maximum
> throughput stats. Or use the schema provided(keyspace/table definitions for
> a stress test)
> Cassandra, being a scale-out database, can load any arbitrary number of
> records per hour.
> The best way to do this is for your given data model, find what your max
> throughput is on a single node by scaling the number of clients until you
> start seeing errors (or hit your latency SLA) then pull back by 15-20%.
> From there, it's a matter of linearly scaling clients and nodes until you
> hit your desired throughput.
> I recommend taking a look at TLP-Stress as it's a bit easier to use and
> understand:
> https://thelastpickle.com/blog/2018/10/31/tlp-stress-intro.html
> Best.
> *Marc Selwan | *DataStax *| *PM, Server Team *|* *(925) 413-7079* *|*
> Twitter <https://twitter.com/MarcSelwan>
> *  Quick links | *DataStax <http://www.datastax.com> *| *Training
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> <http://www.datastax.com/documentation/getting_started/doc/getting_started/gettingStartedIntro_r.html>
>  *| *Downloads <http://www.datastax.com/download>
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 7:16 AM Surbhi Gupta <surbhi.gupt...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Have you tried ycsa?
> It is a tool from yahoo for stress testing nosql databases.
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 3:34 AM <yanga.zuke...@condorgreen.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Anyone before who have bused Cassandra-stress. I want to test if it’s
> possible to load 600 milllions records per hour in Cassandra or
> Find a better way to optimize Cassandra for this case.
> Any help will be highly appreciated.
> Sent from Mail
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__go.microsoft.com_fwlink_-3FLinkId-3D550986&d=DwMFaQ&c=adz96Xi0w1RHqtPMowiL2g&r=E6NVfMr2TIhW42QMfARTvsfCLtdF-oEA3KfAQRfVZdk&m=qz4MqEErkPhY1u6JLqEJUgJmIIjmnMQjptddjTPJE_M&s=87TbqmPgsIH-JP0fbsUYHhpSQyxeHVdqioQud3BHygc&e=>
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