So IF that delegate class would work:

1) create jar with the delegate class
2) deploy jar along with upgrade on node
3) once all nodes are upgraded, issue ALTER to change to the
org.apache.cassandra TWCS class.

will that trigger full recompaction?

On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 12:25 PM Carl Mueller <>

> For example (delegating all public methods from AbstractCompactionStrategy
> and some from TimeWindowCompactionStrategy EXCEPT getName() )::::
> package com.jeffjirsa.cassandra.db.compaction;
> public class TimeWindowCompactionStrategy extends
> AbstractCompactionStrategy
> {
>     org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.TimeWindowCompactionStrategy
> delegate;
>     public TimeWindowCompactionStrategy(ColumnFamilyStore cfs,
> Map<String,String> options) {
>     delegate = new
> org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.TimeWindowCompactionStrategy(cfs,options);
>     }
>     public Directories getDirectories() { return
> delegate.getDirectories(); }
>     public synchronized void pause() { delegate.pause(); }
>     public synchronized void resume() { delegate.resume(); }
>     public synchronized void startup() { delegate.startup(); }
>     public synchronized void shutdown() { delegate.shutdown(); }
>     public AbstractCompactionTask getNextBackgroundTask(int gcBefore) {
> return delegate.getNextBackgroundTask(gcBefore); }
>     public synchronized Collection<AbstractCompactionTask>
> getMaximalTask(int gcBefore, boolean splitOutput) { return
> delegate.getMaximalTask(gcBefore, splitOutput); }
>     public synchronized AbstractCompactionTask
> getUserDefinedTask(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables, int gcBefore) {
> return getUserDefinedTask(sstables,gcBefore); }
>     public int getEstimatedRemainingTasks() { return
> delegate.getEstimatedRemainingTasks(); }
>     public long getMaxSSTableBytes() { return
> delegate.getMaxSSTableBytes(); }
>     public ScannerList getScanners(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables,
> Range<Token> range) { return delegate.getScanners(sstables,range); }
>     public ScannerList getScanners(Collection<SSTableReader> sstables,
> Collection<Range<Token>> ranges) { return delegate.getScanners(sstables,
> ranges);}
>     public ScannerList getScanners(Collection<SSTableReader> toCompact) {
> return delegate.getScanners(toCompact); }
>     protected boolean worthDroppingTombstones(SSTableReader sstable, int
> gcBefore) { return delegate.worthDroppingTombstones(sstable,gcBefore); }
>     public boolean shouldDefragment() { return
> delegate.shouldDefragment(); }
>     public synchronized void replaceSSTables(Collection<SSTableReader>
> removed, Collection<SSTableReader> added) {
> delegate.replaceSSTables(removed,added); }
>     public Collection<Collection<SSTableReader>>
> groupSSTablesForAntiCompaction(Collection<SSTableReader> sstablesToGroup) {
> delegate.groupSSTablesForAntiCOmpaction(sstablesToGroup); }
>     public CompactionLogger.Strategy strategyLogger() { return
> delegate.strategyLogger(); }
>     public SSTableMultiWriter createSSTableMultiWriter(Descriptor
> descriptor,
>                                                        long keyCount,
>                                                        long repairedAt,
>                                                        UUID pendingRepair,
>                                                        boolean isTransient,
>                                                        MetadataCollector
> meta,
>                                                        SerializationHeader
> header,
>                                                        Collection<Index>
> indexes,
>                                                        LifecycleNewTracker
> lifecycleNewTracker) {
>         return delefate.createSSTableMultiWriter(descriptor, keyCount,
> repairedAt, pendingRepair, isTransient, meta, header, indexes,
> lifecycleNewTracker);
>     }
>     public boolean supportsEarlyOpen() { return
> delegate.supportsEarlyOpen(); }
>     public String getName() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } //
> don't delegate because this is probably the name used in the column family
> definition.
>     public synchronized void addSSTable(SSTableReader sstable) {
> delegate.addSSTable(sstable); }
>     public synchronized void addSSTables(Iterable<SSTableReader> added) {
> delegate.addSSTables(added); }
>     public synchronized void removeSSTable(SSTableReader sstable) {
> delegate.removeSSTable(sstable); }
>     public void removeSSTables(Iterable<SSTableReader> removed) {
> delegate.removeSSTables(removed); }
>     public void metadataChanged(StatsMetadata oldMetadata, SSTableReader
> sstable) { delegate.metadataChanges(oldMetadata,sstable); }
>     protected Set<SSTableReader> getSSTables() { return
> delegate.getSSTables(); }
>     public String toString() {return delegate.toString(); }
>     public static Map<String, String> validateOptions(Map<String, String>
> options) throws ConfigurationException { return
> delegate.validateOptions(options); }
> }
> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 11:58 AM Carl Mueller <
>> wrote:
>> Is this still the official answer on TWCS 2.X --> 3.X upgrades? Pull the
>> code and recompile as a different package?
>> Can I just declare the necessary class and package namespace and delegate
>> to the actual main-codebase class?
>> On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 1:41 AM Oleksandr Shulgin <
>>> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Nov 3, 2018 at 1:13 AM Brian Spindler <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> That wasn't horrible at all.  After testing, provided all goes well I
>>>> can submit this back to the main TWCS repo if you think it's worth it.
>>>> Either way do you mind just reviewing briefly for obvious mistakes?
>>> About almost a year ago we were migrating from 2.1 to 3.0 and we figured
>>> out that Jeff's master branch didn't compile with 3.0, but the change to
>>> get it running was really minimal:
>>> So we built that jar, added it to the packaged 3.0 and we were good to
>>> go.  Maybe you might want to consider migrating in two steps: 2.1 -> 3.0,
>>> ALTER TABLE, upgradesstables, 3.0 -> 3.1.
>>> And huge thanks to Jeff for coming up with TWCS in the first place! :-)
>>> Cheers,
>>> --
>>> Alex

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