I have a COLUMN Family in a Keyspace with Replication Factor = 3.
The client reads it with LOCAL_QUORUM. Does this mean that all the reads
should kick a read_repair or not?
Are these parameters meaningful only with LOCAL_ONE or ONE Consistency then?

I have also an application that translates some data in SSTABLE format and
prepares the data to be streamed to the cluster with the SSTABLELOADER.
This operation is done to UPDATE the mentioned COLUMN FAMILY.
Can I avoid to repair the COLUMN FAMILY since the clients are using the
LOCAL_QUORUM Consistency Level?
If I use LOCAL_ONE should I repair the table with the REAPER or can I avoid
to repair it if I have all the nodes up and running?
There is no concern to read the most updated data and I believe that it
should be really unlikely that it is going to happen so even with LOCAL_ONE
I should not have concerns and avoid to perform REPAIR with REAPER.
I would like to achieve consistency and possibly avoiding to perform an
expensive repair cycle with REAPER.

What do you think about it?

SLIDE 85. Not repair everything.

Thanks everyone!

Have a great weekend!

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