Hello Folks,


I've a requirement in my project to setup Blue-Green deployment for
Cassandra. E.x. Say My current active schema (application pointing to) is
Keyspace V1.0 and for my next release I want to setup Keysapce 2.0 (with
some structural changes) and all testing/validation would happen on it and
once successful , App would switch connection to keyspace 2.0 - This would
be generic release deployment for our project.

One of the approach we thought of would be to Create keyspace 2.0 as clone
from Keyspace 1.0 including data using sstableloader but this would be time
consuming, also being a multi-node cluster (6+6 in each DC) - it wouldn't
be very feasible to do this manually on all the nodes for multiple tables
part of that keyspace. Was wondering if we have any other creative way to
suffice this requirement.

Appreciate your time on this.

*Thanks & Regards,*
*Ankit Gadhiya*

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