Hi (yet again) Sergio,

Finally, note that we use this sidecar
<https://github.com/Stackdriver/stackdriver-prometheus-sidecar> for
shipping metrics to Stackdriver. It runs as a second container within our
Prometheus stateful set.

On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 8:46 AM Ben Mills <b...@bitbrew.com> wrote:

> Hi (again) Sergio,
> I forgot to note that along with Prometheus, we use Grafana (with
> Prometheus as its data source) as well as Stackdriver for monitoring.
> As Stackdriver is still developing (i.e. does not have all the features we
> need), we tend to use it for the basics (i.e. monitoring and alerting on
> memory, cpu and disk (PVs) thresholds). More specifically, the
> Prometheus JMX exporter (noted above) scrapes all the MBeans inside
> Cassandra, exporting in the Prometheus data model. Its config map filters
> (allows) our metrics of interest, and those metrics are sent to our Grafana
> instances and to Stackdriver. We use Grafana for more advanced metric
> configs that provide deeper insight in Cassandra - e.g. read/write
> latencies and so forth. For monitoring memory utilization, we monitor both
> pod-level in Stackdriver (i.e. to avoid having a Cassandra pod oomkilled by
> kubelet) as well as inside the JVM (heap space).
> Hope this helps.
> On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 8:26 AM Ben Mills <b...@bitbrew.com> wrote:
>> Hi Sergio,
>> Thanks for this and sorry for the slow reply.
>> We are indeed still running Java 8 and so it's very helpful.
>> This Cassandra cluster has been running reliably in Kubernetes for
>> several years, and while we've had some repair-related issues, they are not
>> related to container orchestration or the cloud environment. We don't use
>> operators and have simply built the needed Kubernetes configs (YAML
>> manifests) to handle deployment of new Docker images (when needed), and so
>> forth. We have:
>> (1) ConfigMap - Cassandra environment variables
>> (2) ConfigMap - Prometheus configs for this JMX exporter
>> <https://github.com/prometheus/jmx_exporter>, which is built into the
>> image and runs as a Java agent
>> (3) PodDisruptionBudget - with minAvailable: 2 as the important setting
>> (4) Service - this is a headless service (clusterIP: None) which
>> specifies the ports for cql, jmx, prometheus, intra-node
>> (5) StatefulSet - 3 replicas, ports, health checks, resources, etc - as
>> you would expect
>> We store data on persistent volumes using an SSD storage class, and use:
>> an updateStrategy of OnDelete, some affinity rules to ensure an even
>> spread of pods across our zones, Prometheus annotations for scraping the
>> metrics port, a nodeSelector and tolerations to ensure the Cassandra pods
>> run in their dedicated node pool, and a preStop hook that runs nodetool
>> drain to help with graceful shutdown when a pod is rolled.
>> I'm guessing your installation is much larger than ours and so operators
>> may be a good way to go. For our needs the above has been very reliable as
>> has GCP in general.
>> We are currently updating our backup/restore implementation to provide
>> better granularity with respect to restoring a specific keyspace and also
>> exploring Velero <https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero> for DR.
>> Hope this helps.
>> On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 5:34 PM Sergio <lapostadiser...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Ben,
>>> Well, I had a similar question and Jon Haddad was preferring ParNew +
>>> CMS over G1GC for java 8.
>>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/283547619b1dcdcddb80947a45e2178158394e317f3092b8959ba879@%3Cuser.cassandra.apache.org%3E
>>> It depends on your JVM and in any case, I would test it based on your
>>> workload.
>>> What's your experience of running Cassandra in k8s. Are you using the
>>> Cassandra Kubernetes Operator?
>>> How do you monitor it and how do you perform disaster recovery backup?
>>> Best,
>>> Sergio
>>> Il giorno ven 1 nov 2019 alle ore 14:14 Ben Mills <b...@bitbrew.com> ha
>>> scritto:
>>>> Thanks Sergio - that's good advice and we have this built into the
>>>> plan.
>>>> Have you heard a solid/consistent recommendation/requirement as to the
>>>> amount of memory heap requires for G1GC?
>>>> On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 5:11 PM Sergio <lapostadiser...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> In any case I would test with tlp-stress or Cassandra stress tool any
>>>>> configuration
>>>>> Sergio
>>>>> On Fri, Nov 1, 2019, 12:31 PM Ben Mills <b...@bitbrew.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>> We are planning a Cassandra upgrade from 3.7 to 3.11.5 and
>>>>>> considering a change to the GC config.
>>>>>> What is the minimum amount of memory that needs to be allocated to
>>>>>> heap space when using G1GC?
>>>>>> For GC, we currently use CMS. Along with the version upgrade, we'll
>>>>>> be running the stateful set of Cassandra pods on new machine types in a 
>>>>>> new
>>>>>> node pool with 12Gi memory per node. Not a lot of memory but an
>>>>>> improvement. We may be able to go up to 16Gi memory per node. We'd like 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> continue using these heap settings:
>>>>>> -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions
>>>>>> -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap
>>>>>> -XX:MaxRAMFraction=2
>>>>>> which (if 12Gi per node) would provide 6Gi memory for heap (i.e. half
>>>>>> of total available).
>>>>>> Here are some details on the environment and configs in the event
>>>>>> that something is relevant.
>>>>>> Environment: Kubernetes
>>>>>> Environment Config: Stateful set of 3 replicas
>>>>>> Storage: Persistent Volumes
>>>>>> Storage Class: SSD
>>>>>> Node OS: Container-Optimized OS
>>>>>> Container OS: Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
>>>>>> Data Centers: 1
>>>>>> Racks: 3 (one per zone)
>>>>>> Nodes: 3
>>>>>> Tokens: 4
>>>>>> Replication Factor: 3
>>>>>> Replication Strategy: NetworkTopologyStrategy (all keyspaces)
>>>>>> Compaction Strategy: STCS (all tables)
>>>>>> Read/Write Requirements: Blend of both
>>>>>> Data Load: <1GB per node
>>>>>> gc_grace_seconds: default (10 days - all tables)
>>>>>> GC Settings: (CMS)
>>>>>> -XX:+UseParNewGC
>>>>>> -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
>>>>>> -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled
>>>>>> -XX:SurvivorRatio=8
>>>>>> -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1
>>>>>> -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75
>>>>>> -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly
>>>>>> -XX:CMSWaitDuration=30000
>>>>>> -XX:+CMSParallelInitialMarkEnabled
>>>>>> -XX:+CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways
>>>>>> Any ideas are much appreciated.

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