Sorry if its trivial, but i do not understand how num_tokens affects 
availability, with RF=3, CLW,CLR=quorum, the cluster could tolerate to lost at 
most one node and all of the tokens assigned to that node would be also 
assigned to two other nodes no matter what num_tokens is, right?

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============ Forwarded message ============
From: Jon Haddad <>
To: <>
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2020 01:15:21 +0330
Subject: Re: [Discuss] num_tokens default in Cassandra 4.0
============ Forwarded message ============

I think it's a good idea to take a step back and get a high level view of 
the problem we're trying to solve. 
First, high token counts result in decreased availability as each node has 
data overlap with with more nodes in the cluster.  Specifically, a node can 
share data with RF-1 * 2 * num_tokens.  So a 256 token cluster at RF=3 is 
going to almost always share data with every other node in the cluster that 
isn't in the same rack, unless you're doing something wild like using more 
than a thousand nodes in a cluster.  We advertise 
With 16 tokens, that is vastly improved, but you still have up to 64 nodes 
each node needs to query against, so you're again, hitting every node 
unless you go above ~96 nodes in the cluster (assuming 3 racks / AZs).  I 
wouldn't use 16 here, and I doubt any of you would either.  I've advocated 
for 4 tokens because you'd have overlap with only 16 nodes, which works 
well for small clusters as well as large.  Assuming I was creating a new 
cluster for myself (in a hypothetical brand new application I'm building) I 
would put this in production.  I have worked with several teams where I 
helped them put 4 token clusters in prod and it has worked very well.  We 
didn't see any wild imbalance issues. 
As Mick's pointed out, our current method of using random token assignment 
for the default number of problematic for 4 tokens.  I fully agree with 
this, and I think if we were to try to use 4 tokens, we'd want to address 
this in tandem.  We can discuss how to better allocate tokens by default 
(something more predictable than random), but I'd like to avoid the 
specifics of that for the sake of this email. 
To Alex's point, repairs are problematic with lower token counts due to 
over streaming.  I think this is a pretty serious issue and I we'd have to 
address it before going all the way down to 4.  This, in my opinion, is a 
more complex problem to solve and I think trying to fix it here could make 
shipping 4.0 take even longer, something none of us want. 
For the sake of shipping 4.0 without adding extra overhead and time, I'm ok 
with moving to 16 tokens, and in the process adding extensive documentation 
outlining what we recommend for production use.  I think we should also try 
to figure out something better than random as the default to fix the data 
imbalance issues.  I've got a few ideas here I've been noodling on. 
As long as folks are fine with potentially changing the default again in C* 
5.0 (after another discussion / debate), 16 is enough of an improvement 
that I'm OK with the change, and willing to author the docs to help people 
set up their first cluster.  For folks that go into production with the 
defaults, we're at least not setting them up for total failure once their 
clusters get large like we are now. 
In future versions, we'll probably want to address the issue of data 
imbalance by building something in that shifts individual tokens around.  I 
don't think we should try to do this in 4.0 either. 
On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 2:04 PM Jeremy Hanna 
> I think Mick and Anthony make some valid operational and skew points for 
> smaller/starting clusters with 4 num_tokens. There’s an arbitrary line 
> between small and large clusters but I think most would agree that most 
> clusters are on the small to medium side. (A small nuance is afaict the 
> probabilities have to do with quorum on a full token range, ie it has to do 
> with the size of a datacenter not the full cluster 
> As I read this discussion I’m personally more inclined to go with 16 for 
> now. It’s true that if we could fix the skew and topology gotchas for those 
> starting things up, 4 would be ideal from an availability perspective. 
> However we’re still in the brainstorming stage for how to address those 
> challenges. I think we should create tickets for those issues and go with 
> 16 for 4.0. 
> This is about an out of the box experience. It balances availability, 
> operations (such as skew and general bootstrap friendliness and 
> streaming/repair), and cluster sizing. Balancing all of those, I think for 
> now I’m more comfortable with 16 as the default with docs on considerations 
> and tickets to unblock 4 as the default for all users. 
> >>> On Feb 1, 2020, at 6:30 AM, Jeff Jirsa <> wrote: 
> >> On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 11:25 AM Joseph Lynch 
> >> <> 
> wrote: 
> >> I think that we might be bikeshedding this number a bit because it is 
> easy 
> >> to debate and there is not yet one right answer. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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