Thanks Alex.

On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 1:39 AM Alex Ott <> wrote:

> Hi
> Working code is below, but I want to warn you - prefer not to use IN with
> partition keys - because you'll have different partition key values,
> coordinator node will need to perform queries to other hosts that hold
> these partition keys, and this slow downs the operation, and adds an
> additional load to the coordinating node.  If you execute queries in
> parallel (using async) for every of combination of pk1 & pk2, and then
> consolidate data application side - this could be faster than query with
> IN.
> Answer:
> You need to pass list as value of temp - IN expects list there...
> query = session.prepare("select * from test.table1 where pk1 IN ? and
> pk2=0 and ck1 > ? AND ck1 < ?;")
> temp = [1,2,3]
> import dateutil.parser
> ck1 = dateutil.parser.parse('2020-01-01T00:00:00Z')
> ck2 = dateutil.parser.parse('2021-01-01T00:00:00Z')
> rows = session.execute(query, (temp, ck1, ck2))
> for row in rows:
>     print row
> Nitan Kainth  at "Wed, 1 Apr 2020 18:21:54 -0500" wrote:
>  NK> Hi There,
>  NK> I am trying to read data from table as below structure:
>  NK> table1(
>  NK> pk1 bigint,
>  NK> pk2 bigint,
>  NK> ck1 timestamp,
>  NK> value text,
>  NK> primary key((pk1,pk2),ck1);
>  NK> query = session.prepare("select * from table1 where pk IN ? and pk2=0
> and ck1 > ? AND ck1 < ?;")
>  NK> temp = 1,2,3
>  NK> runq = session.execute(query2, (temp,ck1, ck1))
>  NK> TypeError: Received an argument of invalid type for column
> "in(bam_user)". Expected: <class 'cassandra.cqltypes.ListType(LongType)'>,
> Got:
>  NK> <class 'cassandra.encoder.ValueSequence'>; (cannot convert argument
> to integer)
>  NK> I found examples for prepared statements for inserts but couldn't
> find any for select and not able to make it to work.
>  NK> Any suggestions?
> --
> With best wishes,                    Alex Ott
> Principal Architect, DataStax

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