As I learned the hard way (and has already been implied), design your
tables to support your queries.

We have, for example, 9 tables storing the same data, because users wish to
query in different ways. Could be several more tables (if one was being a
purist), but indexes get us the rest of the way there.

On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 8:20 AM Marc Richter <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm very new to Cassandra. I have, however, some experience with SQL.
> I need to extract some information from a Cassandra database that has
> the following table definition:
> CREATE TABLE tagdata.central (
> signalid int,
> monthyear int,
> fromtime bigint,
> totime bigint,
> avg decimal,
> insertdate bigint,
> max decimal,
> min decimal,
> readings text,
> PRIMARY KEY (( signalid, monthyear ), fromtime, totime)
> )
> The database is already of round about 260 GB in size.
> I now need to know what is the most recent entry in it; the correct
> column to learn this would be "insertdate".
> In SQL I would do something like this:
> SELECT insertdate FROM tagdata.central
> ORDER BY insertdate DESC LIMIT 1;
> In CQL, however, I just can't get it to work.
> What I have tried already is this:
> SELECT insertdate FROM "tagdata.central"
> ORDER BY insertdate DESC LIMIT 1;
> But this gives me an error:
> ERROR: ORDER BY is only supported when the partition key is restricted
> by an EQ or an IN.
> So, after some trial and error and a lot of Googling, I learned that I
> must include all rows from the PRIMARY KEY from left to right in my
> query. Thus, this is the "best" I can get to work:
>         *
>         "tagdata.central"
>         "signalid" = 4002
>         AND "monthyear" = 201908
>         "fromtime" DESC
> LIMIT 10;
> The "monthyear" column, I crafted like a fool by incrementing the date
> one month after another until no results could be found anymore.
> The "signalid" I grabbed from one of the unrestricted "SELECT * FROM" -
> query results. But these can't be as easily guessed as the "monthyear"
> values could.
> This is where I'm stuck!
> 1. This does not really feel like the ideal way to go. I think there is
> something more mature in modern IT systems. Can anyone tell me what is a
> better way to get these informations?
> 2. I need a way to learn all values that are in the "monthyear" and
> "signalid" columns in order to be able to craft that query.
> How can I achieve that in a reasonable way? As I said: The DB is round
> about 260 GB which makes it next to impossible to just "have a look" at
> the output of "SELECT *"..
> Thanks for your help!
> Best regards,
> Marc Richter
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