The condition “if exists” isn’t sufficient to guarantee only one app can write 
the row, the problem here is it’s mixing keys/values between app instances ?

What’s the actual schema here? 

> On Jun 6, 2020, at 7:16 AM, Michael Shuler <> wrote:
> There are no table/row locks in Cassandra.
> I believe swites from 2 different clients at (essentially precisely) the same 
> time on the same table & row have no knowledge of one another. Each unique 
> LWT did what was asked of it, read the data and wrote as requested. Last 
> write won. This is the definition of eventual consistency, and you found an 
> edge case for LWT usage.
> There may be other suggestions, but I think the simplest method to get as 
> close to a guarantee that your LWT functions as you wish, would be to take 
> the parallel access out of the equation. Create a canonical user_app that is 
> the only client writing to the user table. app1 and app2 make API calls to 
> user_app and wait for its response, with some sort of application-level FIFO 
> lock when multiple requests for the same row are in flight. The last write to 
> the row still wins, but you control the timing to prevent the 
> simultaneous-parallel edge case with LWT.
> Michael
>> On 6/6/20 12:07 AM, Thiranjith Weerasinghe wrote:
>> Hi Everyone!
>> We have a 3-node Cassandra cluster (single DC), and a table that get 
>> accessed (for read/writes) by applications running on separate nodes.
>> Under heavy load, when both instances of the application are attempting to 
>> update the same user entry (E.g. add attribute) we observe that update 
>> from|app1|(running on|node1|succeeded - 
>> i.e.|ResultSet#wasApplied|returns|true|). However, when|app2|(on|node2|reads 
>> the data, it is getting stale data before|app1|updated it).
>> I'd like to know why this is happening because LTW with serial consistency 
>> should prevent this type of inconsistencies. Any help is much appreciated! 
>> We are using the datastax Java driver.
>> Thanks!
>> Thira
>> *Example:*(based on application logs)
>> 1. Initially the user has attribute|A|with value|1|
>> 2. Both|app1|and|app2|are adding new
>>    attributes;|app1|adding|B:2|and|app2|adding|C:3|
>> 3. |app1|read the correct data into memory, added new attribute|B|and
>>    wrote to Cassandra successfully. The logs show the final attribute
>>    list having|A:1|and|B:2|tuples.
>> 4. |app2|reads the data, but only see|A:1|(the difference in time
>>    between the logs from|app1|and|app2|is only 2ms; therefore could
>>    have happened in any order).
>> 5. Once|app2|'s write is completed, the end state only
>>    has|A:1|and|C:2|, which is incorrect.
>> *More Information*
>> The (prepared statements that perform) reads and writes to the table have 
>> the following characteristics: - Write is a LWT (on IF EXISTS userid) - Both 
>> read and writes use LOCAL_SERIAL consistency level
>> The table looks like (simple table with userid as the partition key):
>>    CREATE TABLE my_table(userid ascii PRIMARY KEY,attributes map);
>> The logic within the app when updating the attributes map is:
>> |
>>    |User user = dao.getUser(userid); user.addNewAttribute("key",
>>    "value"); dao.update(user);|
>> |
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