
I'm going to join multiple new nodes to already existed and running cluster. 
Each node should stream in >2TB of data, and it took a few days (with 500Mb 
streaming) to almost get finished. But it stuck on streaming-in from one final 
node, but i can not see any bottleneck on any side (source or destination 
node), the only problem is 400 pending compactions on joining node, which i 
disabled auto_compaction, but no improvement.

1. How can i safely stop streaming/joining the new node and make it UN, then 
run repair on the node?

2. On bootstrap a new node, multiple tables would be streamed-in simultaneously 
and i think that this would increase number of compactions in compare with a 
scenario that "the joining node first stream-in one table then switch to 
another one and etc". Am i right and this would decrease compactions? If so, is 
there a config or hack in cassandra to force that?

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