Hi Alex

If I implement pagination as suggested by your answer in 
 would I be able to mix the `doable` approach and standard pagination approach? 
For eg.

Say I have 5 records belonging to the same partition, divided by clustering 

  *   P1,c1
  *   P1,c2
  *   P1,c3
  *   P1,c4
  *   P1,c5

The fetch size is 1 so 1 record is returned per query. Initially, I get P1,c1 
(without using pagination state) (Page1)


  .setFetchSize(fetchSize)) //get one row from ResultSet. Cassandra might 
return more or less though

I get the pagingstate and pass it to the client which then returns it so taht I 
can get page2

newPagingState:PagingState = resultSet.getExecutionInfo.getPagingState

and then I get P1,c2 using pagination state of P1,c1 (Page2).


    .setFetchSize(1) //TODOM - configure fetch size in config file.

    .setPagingState(pagingState)) //get one row from ResultSet. Cassandra might 
return more or less though


Now I want to go back to Page1 (P1,c1), so I’ll execute query specifying 
clustering_key >=c1 and fetch size of 1. I suppose I’ll create s Simple 
Statement in Java Driver like

Statement stmt = new SimpleStatement(

                  "SELECT * FROM ... where c1 >= some value")

Then I’ll execute the statement

resultSet = session.execute(stmt)



Could I now get the pagestate of this resultSet and use it to go to page 2

newPagingState:PagingState = resultSet.getExecutionInfo.getPagingState //get 
paging state from result of SELECT * FROM ... where c1 >= some value and pass 
it to client

and when the client returns it, I use it to go to Page 2


    .setFetchSize(1) //TODOM - configure fetch size in config file.

    .setPagingState(pagingState)) //get one row from ResultSet. Cassandra might 
return more or less though


My reason to ask is that I have read “Note that the paging state can only be 
reused with the exact same statement (same query string, same parameters).” In 
my case, are the query strings are different? To get next/forward records, I 
use whereClause:Where but to go backwards records I use SimpleStatement. So I 
don’t know if I can use the PagingState like the way I have mentioned above.

Sent from Mail<https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10

From: Alex Ott<mailto:alex...@gmail.com>
Sent: 23 October 2020 09:25
To: user<mailto:user@cassandra.apache.org>
Subject: Re: reverse paging state


for that version of the driver there is no build-in functionality for the 
backward paging, although it's doable: 

for driver 4.9.0 there is a wrapper class that emultates random paging, with 
tradeoff for performance: 

On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 10:00 AM Manu Chadha 
<manu.cha...@hotmail.com<mailto:manu.cha...@hotmail.com>> wrote:
In Java driver 3.4.0, how does one revert the order of paging? I want to 
implement a “Back” button but I can’t figure out from the API docs if/how I can 
make Cassandra (via the Java driver) search backwards.


The code I have written currently is



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With best wishes,                    Alex Ott
Twitter: alexott_en (English), alexott (Russian)

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