At least by default, Cassandra has pretty short timeouts.  I don't know of
a way to kill an in-flight query, but by the time you did it would have
timed out anyways.  I don't know of any way to stop it from repeating other
than tracking down the source and stopping it.

On Wed, Jan 6, 2021, 5:41 PM David Ni <> wrote:

> Hello,Experts!
>          I want to know if there is a way to kill the session in cassandra
> cluster,for example,I get session_id from
> system_traces.sessions:4c9049a0-4fed-11eb-a60d-7f98ffdaf6cd,the session is
> running with very bad cql which causing bad performance,I need to kill it
> ASAP,could anyone help,thanks very much!

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