Hello All,

I'm the developer of a collection of Ansible modules for Cassandra and I'm 
seeking collaborations and/or input from users. With Ansible 2.9+ you can 
install the collection with...

ansible-galaxy collection install community.cassandra

Ansible Galaxy - https://galaxy.ansible.com/community/cassandra
Github Repository - https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.cassandra

Most of the modules are simple wrappers around nodetool functions but there are 
some more interesting/advanced ones including...

cassandra_cqlsh - Use the cqlsh shell in Ansible.
cassandra_keyspace - Create and manage keyspaces.
cassandra_role - Create Cassandra Roles and Users.
cassandra_schema - Validate and optionally wait for schema convergance.
cassandra_status - Validate and optionally wait for cluster node status, i.e. 
Ensure all node are UP/NORMAL
cassandra_table - Create or drop tables on a Cassandra Keyspace.

The collection provides 23 modules in total so I hope they'll be useful for all 
the common Cassandra Maintenance tasks.

Have a great weekend



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