You may want to think about the latency impacts of a cluster that has one
node "far away". This is such a basic design flaw that you need to do some
basic learning, and some basic understanding of networking and latency.

On Mon, Jul 19, 2021 at 10:38 AM MyWorld <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Currently we have a cluster with 2 DC of 3 nodes each. One DC is in GCP-US
> while other is in GCP-India. Just to add here, configuration of every node
> accross both DC is same. Cpu-6, Ram-32gb, Heap-8gb
> We do all our write on US data center. While performing a bulk write on
> GCP US, we observe normal load of 1 on US while this load at GCP India
> spikes to 10.
> On observing tpstats further in grafana we found mutation stage at GCP
> India is going to 1million intermittently though our overall write is
> nearly 300 per sec per node. Don't know the reason but whenever we have
> this spike, we are having load issue.
> Please help what could be the possible reason for this?
> Regards,
> Ashish

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