
in Cassandra 3.11.x I was able to create key spaces with basically arbitrary 
names for the data center. When I do this with Cassandra 4.0 I get a 
"ConfigurationException: Unrecognized strategy option {<arbitrary-dc-name>} 
passed to NetworkTopologyStrategy for keyspace <keyspacename>”.

This breaks some unit tests in our CI where we test CREATE KEYSPACE statements 
for different clusters on a single node test instance.

The only documentation I found is an issue from ScyllaDB: 
https://github.com/scylladb/scylla/issues/7595. It seems Cassandra 4.0 added 
some validation on the data center name. I verified that I can get rid of the 
error by configuring a DC in the cassandra-rackdc.properties and enabling 
endpoint_snitch: GossipingPropertyFileSnitch in cassandra.yaml. This, of 
course, is not very practical for unit tests because we would need to change 
the configuration of Cassandra (and restart) before any of the unit tests. No 
problem for production of course, there the cluster is configured accordingly.

Is there a way to disable the validations for testing purposes? Or to change 
them dynamically?

Any help is appreciated!

Geschäftsführer: Oliver Koch, Bianca Swanston
Amtsgericht Kempten/Allgäu, Registernummer: 10655, Steuernummer 127/137/50792, 
USt.-IdNr. DE272208908

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