Hello everyone,

My name is Chris, and I provide content support for the Apache Cassandra
project. As part of Apache Cassandra's ongoing content marketing, I'd like
to give Cassandra users the opportunity to participate in a little
interview series called 'Inside Cassandra', which will be published on the
Apache Cassandra blog. Here's an example of something we've done

This is an opportunity for you to talk about how you're using Cassandra and
perhaps talk about trends you're seeing in your field and anything topical
around the Cassandra ecosystem (as long as it's open source and not used as
a promo opportunity for a commercial product, please, as we are an Apache

By sharing your experiences, you'll be helping other users learn more about
Cassandra, share your knowledge, and help spread the word
about the database, which everyone in the community would greatly

The interviews themselves would only take half an hour. We'd record them
and then write them up as blog entries and/or potentially offer them to
other press outlets (if you'd be interested in permitting us to do that as

*Case Studies*
Additionally, if you think your company would be happy to be interviewed
for a case study, we're always looking for those to write up and add to the
dedicated case study page here -

If you're interested in either option, please let me know at


Chris Thornett
senior content strategist, Constantia.io

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