Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to perform queries where the ending
table/class is different from the starting one. I have a query where the
result columns (the SELECT part) I want are from a different table than the
starting one. It looks something like this:

SELECT t3.columnA, t3. columnB, t3. columnC
FROM catalog.dbo.tableA t0
JOIN catalog.dbo.tableB t1 on t0.varA = t1.varA
JOIN catalog.dbo.tableC t2 on t1.varA = t2.varA,
JOIN catalog.dbo.tableD t3 on t2.varA = t3.varA
JOIN catalog.dbo.tableE t4 on t0.varA = t4.varA,
WHERE t4.varB = 'somevalue'

The relationships are only one way, going from tableA to tableC the reason
being that the query is more efficient that way.

The query is currently being done through a raw SQL string using
SQLTemplate but we are trying to update it to avoid having raw SQL
statements and using the cayenne ObjectSelect and Expressions instead.

If not, is there a way to expose the PathTranslator classes to have a
little more control over how the path expressions are converted to SQL

The project currently uses cayenne 4.2.M3

Thank you,

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