1. I receive a NullPointerException from
AbstractFileObject.isWriteable() when I attempt to copy
VFSFTPTest.class from a local directory to one on a FTP server:
Could you please try the latest VFS (aka 2.0) nightly build, there a lot of stuff in this area has been changed. It seems the VFS nightly build system if broken again, you have to build a version yourself by gathering the source from svn as described here [1] and using maven 2 to build with "mvn -DskipTests install" from within the checked out VFS directory. But probably you know that :-)

2. file.findFiles() will return a 0 length array, or a null array depending on the FTP server I connect to.
   This should be consistent, one or the other, don't you think?
Even this is changed in the version mentioned above. Please give it a try.


[1] http://commons.apache.org/vfs/download.html

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