sebb wrote:
On 26/06/2008, Jean-Philippe Daigle
-----Original Message-----
 > From: Jean-Philippe Daigle
 > Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 6:06 PM
 > To: Commons Users List

Subject: RE: Strange performance issues seen with Log.isDebugEnabled()
 > > -----Original Message-----
 > > From: simon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 > > Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 5:34 PM
 > > To: Commons Users List
 > > Subject: Re: Strange performance issues seen with
 > >
 > >
 > > On Wed, 2008-06-25 at 17:11 -0400, Jean-Philippe Daigle wrote:
 > > > [snip]
 > >
 > > Wow. Really weird.
 > >
 > Thanks for replying, my thoughts exactly. Looks like gremlins to me.
 > > I'll try to find some time to stare at the Log class tomorrow. But
 > > you've been so thorough I'm not sure what I might spot that you
 > haven't
 > > already seen.
 > >
 > > I presume you've also just tried
 > >   if (Trace.isDebugEnabled()) {
 > >     // do nothing
 > >   }
 > > and that the performance impact is still there?
 > Yes. The 60% throughput degradation is there. If I remove that call to
 > isDebugEnabled() the throughput goes back up.
 > >
 > > Log is just an interface, and you say you have put in your own
 > > implementation that returns immediately (presumably you also wrote a
 > > LogFactory implementation that returned an instance of your Log
 > type?).
 > Sorry, should have said more about this, but my email was already too
 > long! I wrote three files: Log, LogImpl, and LogFactory. Log and
 > LogFactory clone the public interface of the equivalent "official"
 > versions so I don't need to recompile the whole world, just switch out
 > jar (but most methods are just empty). LogFactory returns LogImpl
 > instances, which print out a debug line to stdout when constructed, to
 > make absolutely sure I'm really using my own version and not the
 > one. I then remove the official commons-logging-1.1.1.jar file from
 > classpath, leaving only my version.
 > > So in that case
 > >   Trace.isDebugEnabled()
 > > is exactly equivalent to
 > >   private static final SomeClass Trace = new SomeClass();
 > >   ...
 > >   Trace.anyOldEmptyMethod();
 > > and it doesn't make *any* sense that that would affect performance.
 > > are you *really* sure that your "replacement" class actually got
 > >
 > Yes, it *should* be equivalent, but I've also tried defining a Dummy
 > class, getting a static instance of it, and calling a dummy method
 > won't get optimized away) and it's fast (~80000 WU/s). Going back to
 > custom isDebugEnabled(), boom, down to ~30000 WU/s. Unless you tell me
 > that calling a method on an interface is HUGELY more expensive than a
 > direct call (I don't think it is, and it wouldn't explain my
 > micro-timings anyways), I have no idea what's going on.
 > Thanks!
 > Jean-Philippe Daigle

Ah, so there's one more thing I hadn't tried, which I just did, and
 explained a bit of the situation: completely removing the logging block
 (don't check isDebugEnabled(), don't call .debug(), etc.

 Removing the whole logging block results in getting the same slow
 throughput case that I was blaming on isDebugEnabled().

 Replacing it with just this assignment (to a public var so it's not
 optimized away):

   _dbg_str = String.format("appack>>> id=%s res=%s", id, ack_r);

 Gives me the fast throughput case. Wow. So apache commons logging is
 blameless, what determines whether you get the fast or the slow message
 throughput case is actually _slowing down the thread calling the
 ackMessage() method_. Slowing down this frequently-called method with
 useless String.format() work results in more than double the throughput.

 I have no idea why (it's counterintuitive), I suspect I need to get more
 visibility into the interactions between threads here.

 Thanks to everyone that read this thread, looks like the problem's
 somewhere else in my code. (Though if you DO have any suggestions that
 could explain what I'm seeing, let me know, even if this is no longer a
 logging issue :) )

What happens if you simplify the format to remove the ack_r parameter?
Is it possible that the toString() method on that parameter is having an effect?

Or perhaps try replacing the format call with a short sleep.

Removing ack_r wouldn't change the timing IMHO, it's just an enum.

I think replacing it with a sleep wouldn't tell me much for testing - this method gets called tens of thousands of times a second, and the shortest sleep granularity is something like 16ms. Yielding for 16ms at a time would be pretty much like not having this thread run at all, as far as the others are concerned.
Maybe there is some odd thread interaction that is worse when the
enclosing method runs faster.
Bingo - The "odd thread interaction" conclusion is correct, I think. This particular method running faster results in a catastrophe for the system as a whole, for a reason I currently don't understand but will have to figure out.
Or perhaps the format code is touching a volatile variable or using a
lock that allows a shared variable to be published?
Yeah, touching a volatile would force synchronization of the thread's memory AFAIK, and could explain some timing weirdness, but since the arguments are a long and an enum, I don't think this can be happening.

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