Thank you very much for quick reply Martin, it worked, I appreciate your

sim123 wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using FileUpload for multipart request handling, my request
> contains three different parameter and one file, I want to read those
> parameters first and then read the file as those paramters construct
> directory where this file needs to be stored, here is the code
> protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
> response) throws ServletException {
>                int dir1 = 0 ;
>                int dir2 = 0 ;
>                int dir3 = 0;
>                String uploadLocation = null;
>                String fileName = null;
>                // parse request
>                if(ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)){
>                        ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload();
>                        try {
>                                FileItemIterator iterator =
> upload.getItemIterator(request);
>                                while(iterator.hasNext()){
>                                        FileItemStream item =
>                                        String name = item.getFieldName();
>                                        InputStream stream =
> item.openStream();
>                                        if(item.isFormField()){
>                                                if("dir1".equals(name)){
>                                                        dir1 =
> Integer.parseInt(Streams.asString(stream));
>                                                }else
> if("dir2".equals(name)){
>                                                        dir2 =
> Integer.parseInt(Streams.asString(stream));
>                                                }else
> if("dir3".equals(name)){
>                                                        dir3 =
> Integer.parseInt(Streams.asString(stream));
>                                                }
>                                                uploadLocation =
> server_url+File.separatorChar+tenantId+File.separatorChar+collectionId+File.separatorChar+rowId
> ;
>                                new File(uploadLocation).mkdirs();
>                                                }else {
> System.out.println("File field" + name + "with file name" +
> item.getName());
>                                                        fileName =
> item.getName();
>                                                        //perform file
> storing operations
>                                File uploadedFile = new
> File(uploadLocation+File.separatorChar+fileName);
>                                FileOutputStream outputstream = new
> FileOutputStream(uploadedFile);
>                                long number = Streams.copy(testStream,
> outputstream, true);
>                                System.out.println("result from
> outpoutstream operation" + number);
>                                        }
>                                }
>                        } catch (FileUploadException e) {
>                                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
>                                e.printStackTrace();
>                        } catch (IOException e) {
>                                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
>                                e.printStackTrace();
>                        } catch(NumberFormatException e){
>                                e.printStackTrace();
>                        }
>                }
>    }
> however for some reason FileItem is being read first so I can not
> store this file at desired location it is (/usr/sim/0/0/0/filename),
> can some one please suggest how can I make sure that I read form item
> first then file items.
> I do appreciate all the help and time. Thanks
> -sim

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