
have you tried trim="no" at each child of email?
That is generally the way to go in jelly but plain-text-formatting is always difficult in jelly. My experience was you end up having a slightly unreadable code (but a readable output!).


Le 10-nov.-08 à 20:18, Cappoli, William a écrit :

I'm working on a Jelly script that will be used within an instance of
the JIRA tracking system. The script executes a filter to determine what
items are past due. All of the items that are found are than commented
that it is being escalated. The script that triggers an email to be sent
that contains a brief message and a list of the past due items.
Everything works except all of the items are written on the same line.
However, I would prefer that each item be on its own line for
readibility purposes. I have tried everything I can think of and nothing works. Below is the code I have and was hoping someone might be able to
help out infiguring this one out:

xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:email="jelly:email" xmlns:log="jelly:log">

<jira:Login username="admin" password="rocit">

<log:warn>Running Inactivate issues service</log:warn>
   <!-- Properties for the script -->
   <core:set var="comment">Issue not resolved by due date has been

Thank you,


   <!-- Run the SearchRequestFilter -->
   <jira:RunSearchRequest filterid="10040" var="issues" />

   <core:forEach var="issue" items="${issues}">

        <!-- <jira:AddComment issue-key="${issue.key}"
comment="${comment}"/> -->


<core:set var="emailMsg">The following issues flagged as critical
severity are now past due:

<core:forEach var="issue" items="${issues}">
Issue: ${issue.key}


Thank you,

<email:email to="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" from="[EMAIL PROTECTED] "
subject="Past Due Critical Items" server=""
message="${emailMsg}" />



Bill Cappoli

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