On May 28, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Benoit Maisonny wrote:


I'd like to configure FileSystemOptions dynamically, without knowing at
compile time which parameters to set. I'd have some config file
containing a list of parameters (builder class name, option name and its

My problem is that the method
org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemConfigBuilder.setParam() is protected,
and FileSystemOptions can't be configured directly.

Is there another way to set parameters in a generic way?

Is there a reason for preventing direct configuration of
FileSystemOptions? I guess I could write my own sub-class of
FileSystemConfigBuilder which would offer a public setter, but this
sounds like building my own backdoor to rob the VFS house :-)

Thanks for any insight.

This is one of my least favorite parts of VFS. To configure FileSystemOptions you have to use the appropriate FileSystemConfigBuilder. I can't tell you why it was done this way as it precedes my involvement, but I've considered reinventing this more than once. It isn't pretty.


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