yes, but if i don't invalidate the object i continue to have the problem

Timeout waiting for idle object

that blocks my pool as u can see in the following examples... :(

*/Example 1: without invalidateObject/*

MaxActive = 2
NumActive = 0

--> Network is ok.
Borrow obj1 --> ok [numActive 1]
Borrow obj2 --> ok [numActive 2]
Borrow obj3 --> nok, maxActive reached [numActive 2]
Return obj1 [numActive 1]
Return obj2 [numActive 0]
Borrow obj3 --> ok [numActive 1]
Return obj3 [numActive 0]

--> Network turns nok.
Borrow obj1 --> nok, cannot create an activated object [numActive 0]
Borrow obj2 --> nok, cannot create an activated object [numActive 0]
Borrow obj3 --> nok, timeout waiting for idle object [numActive 0]

--> Network turns ok.
Borrow obj1 --> nok, timeout waiting for idle object [numActive 0]
Borrow obj2 --> nok, timeout waiting for idle object [numActive 0]
Borrow obj3 --> nok, timeout waiting for idle object [numActive 0]

and so on... It persists forever, locking my pool...

*/Example 2: with invalidateObject/*

MaxActive = 2
NumActive = 0

--> Network is ok.
Borrow obj1 --> ok [numActive 1]
Borrow obj2 --> ok [numActive 2]
Borrow obj3 --> nok, maxActive reached [numActive 2]
Return obj1 [numActive 1]
Return obj2 [numActive 0]
Borrow obj3 --> ok [numActive 1]
Return obj3 [numActive 0]

--> Network turns nok.
Borrow obj1 --> nok, cannot create an activated object [numActive 0]
Invalidate obj1 [numActive -1]
Borrow obj2 --> nok, cannot create an activated object [numActive -1]
Invalidate obj2 [numActive -2]
Borrow obj3 --> nok, cannot create an activated object [numActive -2]
Invalidate obj3 [numActive -3]

--> Network turns ok.
Borrow obj1 --> ok [numActive -2]
Borrow obj2 --> ok [numActive -1]
Borrow obj3 --> ok [numActive 0]
Return obj1 [numActive -1]
Return obj2 [numActive -2]
Return obj3 [numActive -3]

In this case the object are correctly borrowed and the pool works well, but the numActive counter isn't correct and it make me borrow more than 2 objects (and it's a big problem cause i have limited connections to respect).

Daniele Bonetto

Il 15/01/2010 11.37, Simone Tripodi ha scritto:
In the example, the catch group catches exceptions that could be
thrown by the object _use_, I *suppose* whenever you catch a
java.util.NoSuchElementException you don't need to invalidate the
object, that's what Mark was pointing.
let us know, all the best,

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Daniele Bonetto
<>  wrote:
Ok, if the borrow throws an exceptin the obj was null.
But i'm not sure that the invalidate was unnecessary. take a look at this:

Example of use:

  Object obj =|null|;

  |try|  {
     obj = pool.borrowObject();
     |//...use the object...|
  }|catch|(Exception e) {
     |// invalidate the object|
     |// do not return the object to the pool twice|
     obj =|null|;
  }|finally|  {
     |// make sure the object is returned to the pool|
     |if|(|null|  != obj) {

In this example u can see that if the borrow throws an exception u have to
invalidate the object from pool.

So. What happends to the object that i tried to borrow?

I have maxActive = 2 and without invalidate if i try more than 2 times the
pool returns always:

java.util.NoSuchElementException: Timeout waiting for idle object

I think that without the invalidate the object remains in idle and it locks
my pool... With invalidateObject the pool works correctly, but the counter
wasn't correct.

Thanks guys for your replies.

Daniele Bonetto

Il 15/01/2010 11.08, Mark Thomas ha scritto:
On 15/01/2010 10:03, Simone Tripodi wrote:

Ciao Daniele ;)
First, I suggest you to start the subject line with [componentname],
i.e. [POOL] if you're referring commons-pool, otherwise people risk to
get confused and not able to reply.

I don't know the Pool so deeply and maybe I didn't understand the
problem, but reading your code I'm worried 'invalidateObject()' always
takes 'null' as argument... take a look at this with the

Yep. That's the problem. That call is almost certainly unnecessary. If
want to keep it, wrap it in a<code>if  (obj != null)</code>    test.


All the best,

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Daniele Bonetto
<>    wrote:

Hello everyone!

I notice a problem using GenericObjectPool.

My code is like this:

        Object obj = null;
                obj = this.borrowObject();
        catch(NoSuchElementException ex)
            log.error("no such element exception", ex);
            throw new NicProviderPoolException("no such element
        catch(Exception ex)
            log.error("exception", ex);
            throw new Exception("exception", ex);
        return (NicProvider)obj;

When the borrowObject throws an exception and i invalidate the
borrowedObject the numActive counter was decreased by 1. The problem is
the counter will not be increased in case of exception... So, my
counter will be -1 and isn't correct.

Someone has noticed this problem too?

Thanks in advance,

Daniele Bonetto

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