Hi Thomas,

+) redirection such as "> out.txt" is implemented in the command line processor or shell. You would need a batch file to do that (a coule of the regression tests are using that redirection)

+) "executor.setStreamHandler(null)" - should give you a NPE. Please comment out the line. Without a stream handler you application will block.

+) Another was of getting the output is to use a StreamHandler and pass a FileOutputStream.


Siegfried Goeschl

On 13.08.10 00:00, Thomas Tanneberger wrote:
Hi All,

while I am playing with Apache Common Exec I found out that is it
obviously not possible to redirect output into a file via command. I
want to exec cksum file>  file.chsum.txt. I get the output of cksum in
ecplise but it is not written to disk.

public static String CHKSUM_CMD2 = "cksum \"${FILE_NAME}\">  out.txt";
HashMap<String, String>  options = new HashMap<String, String>();
CommandLine commandLine = CommandLine.parse(CHKSUM_CMD2);
options.put("FILE_NAME", fileName);
DefaultExecutor executor = new DefaultExecutor();

I suppose that I have to capture the output and write it to disk
afterwards. Or is there other solution ahead?

Many thx, Thomas

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