i've been using Commons Configuration on a particular project for several
years.  until lately i have been using the DefaultExpressionEngine --- or at
least i believe i have since i've never called setExpressionEngine().  my
configuration is specified by a set of xml files, some of which use variable
interpolation (via ${} syntax) to define property values.

i recently had a case where the use of XPATH would be helpful in obtaining
certain configuration values.  when i switched the expression engine to
XPathExpressionEngine, i was able to locate the necessary configuration
properties but their values resulted in the non-interpolated string.  if i
use the DefaultExpressionEngine, the values are properly interpolated.

am i wrong in assuming that XPathExpressionEngine should transparently
variable interpolation like DefaultExpressionEngine does?  i saw no mention
of this, one way or the other, in the Commons Configuration documentation.

thanks in advance for any guidance.

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