i usually stick to the saying "it it aint broke dont fix it .." apparently i am 
the only person that thinks time is better spent working on new features
instead of changing old code..
developers who force refactoring of implementation code because someone decided 
to demote a String param or return value to Object  (for no reason then excess 
time on their hands) produces an end result of endless iterations of 
re-factoring code (that should NEVER have to be refactored in the first place) 
is not my favourite past-time..

that said there are a few immutable exceptions to that rule :

Log4j has pretty much replaced functionality from commons-logging. e.g. 
defining Levels of output severe (nothing but worst) vs info (everything and 
the kitchen sink) and Appenders (SMTP and FTP as well as File and HTTP 
Appenders)..ceki thought of everything when he designed this library
i use log4j almost exclusively ..having come off a situation which used 
commons-logging i groaned thru CL which did'nt have the functionality i needed
if any developer here wants to go and replace (the largely untouched 
commons-logging codebase) with log4j functionality i say go for it!!!

http-commons is about to get a new facelift when IPV4 addresses run out..which 
is from my recollection immediately..we all need to bury the legacy IPv4 
addressing schema (it has served us well for almost 30 years) and go full speed 
ahead for accommodating IPv6 addresses into http-commons-(IPv6) library

any thoughts ???
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> Subject: Question.
> Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2011 15:09:54 -0500
> From: nadia.a...@cgi.com
> To: user@commons.apache.org
> Hello Common Developers,
> In my department, we have java modules on Unix, some of them uses third
> party tools like:  jasper, some uses hibernate, .... .  Some modules
> uses more than one java third party tool.
> Most of these third party tools uses commons in their code. Now we
> install all of these products in order Unix box and change the class
> path in order to use the third party tool in our modules.
> The question is how to control different releases of commons within the
> same program? How compatible are your new releases with the older ones.?
> Is it safe to substitute always with the latest for all these third
> party tools?
> Please advise.
> Nadia Ayar
> Brokerage Services, Banking and Investment CGI Information Systems &
> Management Consultants Inc. Office Phone Number - (905) 762 2800 X4502.
> 125 Commerce Valley Drive West - 6th Floor Markham, ON L3T 7W4
> CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Proprietary/Confidential Information belonging
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> error, you may not use or copy or deliver this message to anyone else.
> In such case, you should destroy this message and are asked to notify
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