
   I  already add all the  dependent jar files  as you mentioned. However,
the same error. I  am wonder how to add the dependencies to customized
ant task.

still , i got this exception   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
I am wonder if JavaFlow can rewriting class file including Exception
and dynamic class loading?

here is the xml file:

<project name='JPPF Application' basedir="." default="run">

        <!--                          Property definitions

        <property name="" 
    <property file="${}"/>
        <property name="lib.dir"    value="${basedir}/lib"/>
        <property name="config.dir"  value="${basedir}/config"/>
        <property name="classes.dir" value="${basedir}/classes"/>       
        <property name="src.dir"     value="${basedir}/src"/>

        <!--                           Classpath definitions

        <path id="project.classpath">
                <pathelement location="${config.dir}"/>
                <pathelement location="${classes.dir}"/>
                <fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="**/*.jar"/>

        <!--                                    Clean

  <target name="clean">
    <delete dir="${classes.dir}" quiet="true"/>
        <delete dir="inclass" quiet="true"/>

        <!--                                    Init
        <target name="init" description="Initialize ressources">
                <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/>
                <mkdir dir="inclass"/>

        <!--                                  Compile

        <target name="compile" depends="clean, init">
                <javac srcdir="" destdir="${classes.dir}"
                        debug="on" deprecation="off" optimize="on"  
            <classpath refid="project.classpath"/>
            <compilerarg line="-Xlint:unchecked"/>
                        <src path="${src.dir}"/>

        <!--                                  instrument
        <taskdef name="javaflow"
                                <classpath id = "project.class.path">
                                        <fileset dir = "lib">
                                                        <include name = 
                                                        <include name = 
                                                        <include name = 
                                                        <include name = 
                                                        <include name = 
                                                        <include name = 
                                                        <include name = 
                                                        <include name = 
                                                        <include name = 
                                                        <include name = 
                                                        <include name = 
                                                        <include name = 
                                                    <include name = 
        <target name="javaflow" depends="compile">
                <javaflow srcdir="classes" Destdir="inclass">
                          <include name="**/*.class" />

        <!--                     Run the application

        <target name="run" description="run the application" depends="javaflow">
                <java fork="yes" classname="${main.class}" 
                        <jvmarg value=""/>
                        <jvmarg value="-Xmx64m"/>


From Wayne

2011/6/9 Torsten Curdt <>:
> Jars usually don't include dependencies - they have dependencies.
> Unless you package them in a special way (see the maven shade plugin)
> So look at the pom. Copy all jars referenced in there into your you
> lib dir where you have the javaflow jar and then add those to your
> fileset
>>>>                                <classpath id = "project.class.path">
>>>>                                         <fileset dir = "lib">
>>>>                                              <include name = 
>>>> "**/commons-javaflow-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"/>
> Here!
>>>>                                        </fileset>
>>>>                                </classpath>
> ...or add the maven shade plugin to your pom.
> cheers,
> Torsten
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Graduate School of Global Information
and Telecommunication Studies
Waseda University
1-6-1 Nishi Waseda, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo169-8050, JAPAN.
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中里研究室 博士�n程
王�Z(John Wayne)

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