Last time I forgot to tell you that a prefix of the module name (here:
[jcs]) is mandatory in user@c.a.o.

On 06.01.12 16:13, Chopin hu wrote:
> I have a property file located at the root of my jar file, which works 
> properly, using the following code:
> JCS.setConfigFilename("/cache_win.ccf");
> However, now my new requirement is to move the property file to a location 
> other than the classpath.   I tried the following:
> JCS.setConfigFilename("E:\\projects\\jcs\\conf\\cache_win.ccf");
> I got back the error as below:
> [ERROR] Failed to load properties for name 
> [e:\projects\jcs\conf\cache_win.ccf]
> What is the property way to read in the property file in a file system?   
> Thanks a lot.

The latest trunk supports JCS.setConfigProperties(java.util.Properties).
Check that one out.

Bye, Thomas.

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