On 04/05/2012 23:25, Gautam Bakshi wrote:
> Thanks for the answer Miroslav.  This brings up a few other questions to
> me, mainly can I extend the life of a object in pool(these objects
> shouldn't be dying if there is work)?  Also, can I somehow specify a
> minimum limit of objects so I can have them match the number of threads I
> have(this way if the pool does get low the thread doesn't have to wait for
> it to be created)?

Hmm. A couple of points.

You are always going to see some blocking with a pooling implementation.
What you see with 1.5/1.6 is less then you'll see with 1.4 an earlier.
2.x (currently a work in progress) will have even less blocking.

If you each thread only uses one object at a time and you have a minimum
pool size equal to the number of threads why bother with a pool? Just
create an object when you create the thread and dedicate the object to
the thread.


> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Miroslav Pokorny <miroslav.poko...@gmail.com
>> wrote:
>> On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 12:07 AM, Gautam Bakshi <gautam.bak...@gmail.com
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone,
>>> I'm trying to pool some objects and share them but I noticed blocking in
>>> the threads. I'm a bit new to Java so not sure if this is a problem with
>> my
>>> lack of experience or something specific to pools. Here's some code that
>>> replicates the problem(Create 10 threads and share 20 objects, do this
>> in a
>>> long loop so you can catch the blocking). If you profile it(Java visualvm
>>> or yourkit in the thread view), you'll notice that borrowObject seems to
>> be
>>> blocking the thread. So the question is, is this normal behavior or am I
>>> doing something wrong? Is there any way I can get around it?
>>> Hi Gautum,
>> What your describing is normal behaviour, after all if you ask the pool for
>> an object and one is not available what else should it do. The best thing
>> is to wait(block) until another thread returns a pooled item and then
>> return with that. The reason for using pooling is typically the pooled
>> objects are expensive or limited resources which is why your code does not
>> simply create another one when it needs it, but rather waits its turn and
>> then returns the pooled object when its used.
>> hth
>> mP

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