On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 1:30 AM, David Hoffer <dhoff...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've got a strange one.  I'm using commons-email to send some email, that
> is being sent to two recipients so I call addTo() twice, once for each
> recipients, then I call send() once.  I can tell I'm calling send() once
> per the log files.
> However two messages get sent.  I'm using GMail to send.  I can tell two
> got sent because it logs two sent in GMail's Sent Mail folder. And each of
> the recipients get duplicate emails.  They both have the same send and
> receive timestamp.
> This program runs and does this twice per day, happens to be at midnight
> and at 1am.  To try to keep GMail from combining/threading the messages the
> subject contains the date.  So since we send the email an hour apart these
> both have the same subject...and since the emails are duplicated we have 4
> combined/threaded messages per day in our Sent Mail folder.  However we
> should only have 2.
> This started happening about a month ago and we were using commons-email
> 1.3, I since upgraded to 1.3.1 and get the same behavior.
> I don't know if this issue is with commons-email or GMail, or why it
> started...it used to work fine.
> Has anyone seen anything like this?  Have any pointers how I might resolve
> this?

Hi Dave,

just tested it myself with my gmail account and could not reproduce your
Can you try to send the email with debug mode turned on and attach the
output here?


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