Keep in mind whatever file system you introduce to commons-io your new 
filesystem will need to support:
Utility classes   - with static methods to perform common tasksInput   - useful 
Input Stream and Reader implementationsOutput   - useful Output Stream and 
Writer implementationsFilters   - various implementations of file 
filtersComparators   - various implementations of java.util.Comparator for 
filesFile Monitor   - a component for monitoring file system events 
the first step is to file a JIRA with as much detail as possible on how vfs 
should be implemented

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> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 11:44:54 +0400
> Subject: [vfs] The filesystem support table update 
> (
> From:
> To:
> Hello,
> I consider it's time to update the filesystem support table.
> As I know VFS supports directory listing for many types. incl. FTP and SFTP.
> The table is confusing.
> Best regards,
> Ilya Rodinov.

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