
On 08.02.14 17:34, Gary Gregory wrote:
> Mat,
> I would suggest getting familiar with the code base in trunk. Can the code
> be released as is or are there problems? Should some issues in Jira be
> fixed for this release?
> Major releases like a 2.0 from 1.x are the only time APIs can break binary
> compatibility which means that the package name must change and the Maven
> coords as well.
> Does the current code even warrant the 2.0 label or would a 1.x dump be a
> better representation of what is in trunk?

Rest assured that all these things have been taken care of. The API
*has* changed and the modifications *are* substantial. A look into the
commits of the last two years should show that.


if you want to help, please check that the build and all tests are
working fine for you. Note that some tests are disabled in the POM as
they seem to be timing sensitive. I did my best to fix these problems,
however. The documentation does not yet reflect the recent API changes.
I'll fix this as soon as I can.

Bye, Thomas.

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