Am Wed, 25 Mar 2015 17:48:03 +0100 schrieb Helge Waastad <>:
> If I bundle the commons-vfs2 (2.1-SNAPSHOT/2.0) with the rar I get > then exception: > FileSystemException: Could not load VFS configuration from > "jar:file:/home/helge/Skrivebord/jca-parent/acme-war/target/apache-tomee/apps/acme-ra-1.0-SNAPSHOT/commons-vfs2-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/org/apache/commons/vfs2/impl/providers.xml" Is this JAR and with the resource existing or not? > If I add vfs2-commons to tomee/lib and provided in my rar, then its > working OK. > > Is this how it's supposed to work? The default configuration mechanism resolves "providers.xml" via the classloader of the StandardFileSystemManager class. It retrieves the URL for that resource and loads it. You might want to overwrite the init() method or somple create the DefaultFileSystemManager and configure it yourself. (I am not entirely sure why it does not work in your scenario). Gruss Bernd --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: