Thanks for the quick reply!

I've pasted a small self-contained example at the bottom. It creates the
matrices in advance, but nothing meaningful changes if they're created on a
per-operation basis.

Results for 50 multiplications of [size]x[size] matrices:
   Size: 10, total time: 0.012 seconds, time per: 0.000 seconds
   Size: 100, total time: 0.062 seconds, time per: 0.001 seconds
   Size: 300, total time: 3.050 seconds, time per: 0.061 seconds
   Size: 500, total time: 15.186 seconds, time per: 0.304 seconds
   Size: 600, total time: 17.532 seconds, time per: 0.351 seconds

For comparison:

Results for 50 additions of [size]x[size] matrices (which should be faster,
be the extent of the difference is nonetheless striking to me):
   Size: 10, total time: 0.011 seconds, time per: 0.000 seconds
   Size: 100, total time: 0.012 seconds, time per: 0.000 seconds
   Size: 300, total time: 0.020 seconds, time per: 0.000 seconds
   Size: 500, total time: 0.032 seconds, time per: 0.001 seconds
   Size: 600, total time: 0.050 seconds, time per: 0.001 seconds

Results for 50 inversions of a [size]x[size] matrix, which I'd expect to be
slower than multiplication for larger matrices:
   Size: 10, total time: 0.014 seconds, time per: 0.000 seconds
   Size: 100, total time: 0.074 seconds, time per: 0.001 seconds
   Size: 300, total time: 1.005 seconds, time per: 0.020 seconds
   Size: 500, total time: 5.024 seconds, time per: 0.100 seconds
   Size: 600, total time: 9.297 seconds, time per: 0.186 seconds

I hope this is useful, and if I'm doing something wrong that's leading to
this performance gap, I'd love to know.

import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.LUDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;

public class AMCMatrices {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

  public static void miniTest(int tType) {
    int samples = 50;

    int sizes[] = { 10, 100, 300, 500, 600 };

    for (int sI = 0; sI < sizes.length; sI++) {
      int mSize = sizes[sI];

      org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix m0 = buildM(mSize, mSize);
      RealMatrix m1 = buildM(mSize, mSize);

      long start = System.nanoTime();
      for (int n = 0; n < samples; n++) {
        switch (tType) {
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
          new LUDecomposition(m0).getSolver().getInverse();

      long end = System.nanoTime();

      double dt = ((double) (end - start)) / 1E9;
          "Size: %d, total time: %3.3f seconds, time per: %3.3f seconds",
          mSize, dt, dt / samples));

  public static Array2DRowRealMatrix buildM(int r, int c) {
    double[][] matVals = new double[r][c];
    for (int i = 0; i < r; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) {
        matVals[i][j] = Math.random();
    return new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matVals);


On 5 April 2016 at 19:36, Gilles <> wrote:

> Hi.
> On Tue, 5 Apr 2016 15:43:04 +0100, Chris Lucas wrote:
>> I recently ran a benchmark comparing the performance math commons 3.6.1's
>> linear algebra library to the that of scala Breeze (
>> I looked at det, inverse, Cholesky factorization, addition, and
>> multiplication, including matrices with 10, 100, 500, and 1000 elements,
>> with symmetric, non-symmetric, and non-square cases where applicable.
> It would be interesting to add this to the CM documentation:
> In general, I was pleasantly surprised: math commons performed about as
>> well as Breeze, despite the latter relying on native libraries. There was
>> one exception, however:
>>     m0.multiply(m1)
>> where m0 and m1 are both Array2DRowRealMatrix instances. It scaled very
>> poorly in math commons, being much slower than nominally more expensive
>> operations like inv and the Breeze implementation. Does anyone have a
>> thought as to what's going on?
> Could your provide more information such as a plot of performance vs size?
> A self-contained and minimal code to run would be nice too.
> See the CM micro-benchmarking tool here:
> And an example of how to use it:
> In case it's useful, one representative test
>> involves multiplying two instances of
>>     new Array2DRowRealMatrix(matVals)
>> where matVals is 1000x1000 entries of math.random and the second instance
>> is created as part of the loop. This part of the benchmark is not specific
>> to the expensive multiplication step, and takes very little time relative
>> to the multiplication itself. I'm using System.nanotime for the timing,
>> and
>> take the average time over several consecutive iterations, on a 3.5 GHz
>> Intel Core i7, Oracle JRE (build 1.8.0_05-b13).
> You might want to confirm the behaviour using JMH (becoming the Java
> standard
> for benchmarking):
> Best regards,
> Gilles
>> Thanks,
>> Chris
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