I'm using DBCP 2.1.1 with POOL 2.4.3 (which are the latest releases as
of a few minutes ago) to handle connections to MySQL databases.  In my
program I have code like this:

  conn = ds.getConnection();
  if (conn.isValid(5))

Recently, I've been having problems where the connection is showing up
as *not* valid, and I couldn't figure out why.  My code uses
conn.getWarnings() on invalid connections to try and determine why the
connection is invalid, but it wasn't getting anything.  No exception was
being logged, so the return was likely null.  The validation query is

After scratching my head for a while, I decided to have the code run a
"SELECT 1" query on the connection that reports invalid.  As expected
because the connection tests as invalid, that query failed, but the
specific failure was surprising:

Caused by:
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No
operations allowed after connection closed.

How can a connection that I *just* retrieved from the pool be closed?

The only thing that comes to mind is that I have configured idle
connection eviction:

        opMaster.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(Const.ONE_MINUTE * 5);

If the idle connection eviction is what's to blame for this (connection
becomes invalid between the time it is  retrieved and the validity is
checked), it seems like that shouldn't be possible.

Before I open an issue in Jira, I would like to know if there's anything
I can add to my code (logging, info retrieval, etc) to check what might
be going wrong -- try to confirm my theory that idle connection eviction
is to blame.  If that is indeed the problem, I would comment that
getConnection() on the datasource should probably reset the idle timer
so that the connection will not be quickly closed/pruned.


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