> this is a problem for me.

I don't see the problem yet

> My idea is to use many coroutines instead to use many threads because it is
> more scalable.


Consider i realize a scheduler in which i can push many coroutines.
> Pratically it is a coroutines pool inside the same thread.

Yes, that is possible. The continuations are not bound to threads.

> When a corotuines is blocked by a wait() instruction it is not necessary to
> block the thread but it is sufficient to suspend it.
> When a corotuine is suspended , it is taken another  coroutine ready to be
> resumed. In this way the thread is never blocked ... and the global
> performance will be very hight.
> For this reason is important to instrument synchronized blocks.

Sorry, but I don't see your point yet.

It's been a while since I wrote that library but...
Frankly speaking I don't see the need for synchronization.
The state is handled per thread and it then creates a new continuation.
There is no mutation an no need for synchronization - unless your code
requires it.

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