Ticket exists:


No patch as yet.

On 9 May 2018 at 13:46, Martin Gainty <mgai...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> can you submit a JIRA ticket with patch?
> Martin
> ________________________________
> From: Jim Gan <j...@oath.com.INVALID>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 8:10 PM
> To: user@commons.apache.org
> Subject: commons-lang class JsonToStringStyle does not escape double quote in 
> a string value
> If string value contains double quote,   JsonToStringStyle generates
> invalid json string.
> Here is the detail :
> The code at line 2609  needs to escape the double quote before appending it
> to the buffer.
> https://github.com/apache/commons-lang/blob/c614fbcc79615f93d2c60a153db6e82d7474c425/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/lang3/builder/ToStringStyle.java
> [https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/47359?s=400&v=4]<https://github.com/apache/commons-lang/blob/c614fbcc79615f93d2c60a153db6e82d7474c425/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/lang3/builder/ToStringStyle.java>
> apache/commons-lang<https://github.com/apache/commons-lang/blob/c614fbcc79615f93d2c60a153db6e82d7474c425/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/lang3/builder/ToStringStyle.java>
> github.com
> commons-lang - Mirror of Apache Commons Lang
> line 2608 and line 2609
>        private void appendValueAsString(final StringBuffer buffer,
> final String value) {
>             buffer.append('"').append(value).append('"');
>         }
> Jim

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